
How to integrate Golang Service with Chat GPT API

How to integrate Golang Service with Chat GPT API.


In this tutorial we’re going to create a Golang service that communicates with Chat GPT API. The source code you can find here. As a result you should be able to understand how to do it and change the logic for implementing your own use cases.


For implementing the solution we need to have:

  1. API Key to Chat GPT API and at the moment Chat GPT doesn’t provide free trial, so you’ll have to setup your Open API account and pay X per token. But for a pet project it’s quite fair price in my opinion.
  2. Golang installed.

What we’ll try to develop?

Essentially to get familiar with Chat GPT API we’ll try to create a smart dictionary. As an input we’ll send a http request with a lexical item and in response we get the meaning, examples of usages. Architecture will consist of 2 components:

  • Backend - Golang application with Echo web framework.
  • Chat GPT API that Open AI provides.

High Level Architecture

How to run

  1. Specify env variables CHAT_GPT_API_URL and CHAT_GPT_API_KEY
  2. Start the server
go run ./cmd/main.go
  1. Test with curl
curl localhost:8080/v1/translations/feasible

Response example:

   "meaning":"possible to do easily or conveniently",
   "example":"Given our limited resources, it may not be feasible to launch a new product at this time."

Other materials:


If you want to dig deeper to this topic, watch the video!