
Big O Notation Notes

Hello everybody and welcome back. My name is Artem and in this blog post we’re going to understand what does Big O notation mean and consider the time complexity. So, Let’s get to it!

Why it’s essential to understand and master Big O?

  • First, it allows you to determine the most efficient solution for task that you need to resolve.
  • Secondly, it potentially could help you to optimise an existing solution that you have implemented already.
  • Finally, most likely that you’ll not pass a coding interview without mastering this topic.

Big O definition

Big O time is the language and metric that describes the efficiency of algorithms. Or to be more precise the way to describe how long algorithm performs as it’s input size growth.

Example with linear time complexity

// The program finds the maximum element in the list
package main

import "fmt"

func main(){
	numbers := []int{1, 10, 13, 3, 20, 132, 123123}
	max, err := getMax(numbers)
	fmt.Println("max number in the slice is:", max)
	fmt.Println("err:", err)

func getMax(numbers []int) (int, error) {
	if len(numbers) == 0 {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("received an empty slice")
	max := numbers[0]
	for _, n := range numbers {
		if n > max {
			max = n
	return max, nil

On this example we can see the linear complexity


  • When we have something which is not nested in the loop, then we summarise the complexity.
  • When we calculate big o we usually remove all of the constants
  • When we have something which is nested in the loop, then we multiply the complexity.
  • Complexity for each input is calculated separately if they don’t have the same length.
  • Drop the less significant terms.


If you want to dig deeper to this topic, watch the video!